Monday, August 23, 2010

Thank You Jesus

The blogs are going to get fewer and farther between! Tony is feeling better...not great, far from it but better. He looks very worn out and sickly. But I love him!! We went to visit our good friends Dale and Kathy today in's always good going there..I just love them. Tony has been great friends with Dale FOREVER! Them two actually had a bet that Tony would never ask me out..Dale told him he had until the end of the week (back in 96? 97?) Tony didn't ask me...I asked him. hahahaha Then we stopped by Rick and Jenny's of course...our best buds! Jenny sends us homemade breads and soups all the time..OMG enough with the Zucchini bread...I eat WAY to much of it!!! Tony likes to stay busy right now...he sleeps LATE (like 1pm) but then he wants to be with me all the time and he wants to run run run...I AM TIRED TONY!) but I do what Tony wants..I'm all about him right now! as I should be! OH and MOM....thank you so much for the check you sent to me and Tony!!!! That is so useful and helpful right now...I cried! You really shouldn't have!!! You have your own medical problems and your own bills mom....I love you so much! Tony has a Dr appt. tomorrow. We will schedule CAT scan and tests, they should be sometime in October. Blah I hate waiting that long but it takes at least 6 weeks to see if tumor is shrinking...
I just started talking to a woman who's husband had 49 HD IL-2 treatments several years ago. He has been cancer free for over 4 years. Bless them. They even live in this area. I will find out more of his story soon.
My new meds are making me so fatigued and downright tired. Im still itching the worst ever but the Dr. called me in prednisone for that. UGH I hate that stuff! Tony says i'm GRUMPY! but yes these meds do that me...sorry baby! well That's it for now...thank God things are getting better..I NEEDED better..Thank you Jesus for prayers answered!!!

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