It has been 2 weeks since Tony has been finished with IL-2, he is getting a little color back and getting around so much better. He is still very weak and tired. The worst part right now for him is STILL horrible itching. I have been making him take Aveeno baths and he is taking as much Hydroxyzine as he can safely! He just has horrible rashes on him. Some areas it is so bad it is burned from the inside out of his skin and itches and hurts and burns. I have been putting Eucerin calming cream, or plain Eucerin or Aquafor on him a few times a day and nothing is helping right now. He was itching so bad and in such pain from it tonight I thought he was going to wake up our Grandbaby in the next room. It doesn't look like a rash it looks like very bad burns! I looked up his itching med online and started giving him a higher dose until I can call his doctor Monday. The dose is what they give people to sedate them but shit...being sedated and a little less itchy IS better than wishing he could cut his skin off. (which is what he said tonight) I just checked on him and he is sleeping now. sheewwwww!
We had a very nice Thanksgiving, all of our children were here except my stepdaughter meg :( and our Grandson Carter is here too! It was so nice to have our kids here and have a family holiday! Great company and great food! yaaay!
Tony was feeling just very tired but he held up pretty well!
He will have CAT scans in Jan. and will not know anything about them until Jan 17. So we just wait, our life is on hold. Like every other cancer patient. On hold! Roller coaster..blahhhh!
I want to thank my dear friend Jimmy for the cute bear candy holder and ALL of the gift cards! He is just a great friend! and I love him!
Please keep my friend Mike and his wife in your prayers..his wifes cancer has returned and then returned again...she is having her leg amputated next month. Please pray for their family!
I saw a falling star tonight...I made a very great wish..let's hope it comes true! Soon.....
God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference..AMEN
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