Friday, July 30, 2010

Finally Friday IL-2 # 11, 12 & 13

Yaaay it's Friday. The maximum number of doses of IL-2 that you can get is 14 in 5 days. Tony just got his 12th dose! yaaaaay! They said most of the benefits come in the first 10 so he is way past that! We both actually got some rest last much as you can expect in the hospital anyway! Tony has not had an appetite today at all, he ate some fruit, a cookie or two and a few bits of cottage cheese...that is it. His throat is very sore, I think he might have some sores there..he has some on his lips. He has been severely tired today...I haven't seen him like this in 3 years. Anyway the morning went by without too much fuss. He got his IL-2 at 7am and everything was ok, neither of us even woke up too much, we both rested. The doc's made rounds this morning and said he is doing great, better than expected with the side effects, one of the head doc's said "Tony is kicking IL-2's ass!" That made everyone laugh some! They haven't had an IL-2 patient in over a year so everyone thinks this stuff is cool (it really is like Grey's Anatomy!) Ash and Meg came to visit for a little bit and Tony woke up for a while...then he had dry heaves for bit...not sure why! He keeps getting hiccups...I know..weird! They gave him some medication for nausea and he was soon as they left he slept again....and hasn't really woke up yet. The nurses are concerned because his blood pressure won't come back up, if it doesn't he can't get his next dose. It was 70/38 just a few minutes ago and they are giving him a huge amount of meds to raise it. (they said he has an allergy to Dopamine so they can't use that anymore) poor guy!!! He wakes up and askes me to get him a cepacol losenge and then he goes back to sleep. His ears and skin is starting to peel some and is bothering him but for the most part he is just sleeping and resting. At least when he sleeps he isn't hurting or feeling like shit! (that is why he askes for no visitors) He is due for IL-2 at 10:30 but we will have to see how his pressure is. These nurses call the doc about every hour with an update on Tony's blood pressure. I've been a little teary today when I look over at him and he is looking so comfortable and so just breaks my heart to see my strong stubborn husband looking so helpless. I just want to curl up next to him and hold him and make all of this go away....I JUST WANT ALL OF THIS TO GO AWAY! He has puckered up and asked for kisses a few times today, OMG how it breaks my heart to kiss his icy lips and feel his hot face. I haven't left this room today...I can't. He gets hot and cold and has to pee and needs a drink...I'm his "person" right now...actually I'm his "person" always...and he knows just how much when he's sick. Tony Grainger is one awesome dude...just know that!
He did manage to take a shower today, (ummmm yeah that got me all wet, he can only use one arm right now because of pic line) and wash his hair and get handsome! we will see what 10 oclock holds for him but I want..REALLY want for him to get all the treatments long as it doesn't harm him!!!
Dear Jesus, I know you are here watching over Tony and you are the reason he has been able to withstand all of this poison going into his body, I thank you for hearing everyones prayers and trust with all of my heart that you have an amazing plan for Tony, and I ask that you protect him from pain and discomfort, and Dear Jesus, DEAR DEAR Jesus please give me better understanding and loving patience during this difficult trial, because you KNOW I need all the help I can get! if this is YOUR will........Amen

ughhhhh They just came in and increased his pressure meds to an insane amount and said Doctor is NOT happy but they won't give Tony the IL-2 tonight....they might give it to him tomorrow. That would mean another day in ICU....please pray

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