Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday the 13......morning

Today is going to be tough...Tony will probably get a dose at 3pm and another at 11pm. That means all day and all night he will be sleeping or sick...let's hope sleeping!!!!
I was so worried about Tony not getting enough doses of IL-2 this week. I've had a few email conversations with a man who has had more IL-2 than anyone known to me or several peeps in Kidney Cancer Chat. Over 50 doses and 6 weeks inpatient stay. So I have asked him a few things this week. This was his response to my concern about maybe only getting 6-8 doses this week:

Six doses is just fine. I just came back from a presentation by the oncologist who administers my IL-2. He told the room that getting six or seven doses is common. He also said (and I've heard this repeatedly) that there is no known metric for success in terms of how many doses you take. The oncology community has no idea if three, six, eight or ten or what is the magic number. There have been people who have responded to very low numbers and there are people who have had very high numbers who did not respond. So, in short, tell Tony not to worry. It will either work or not, but the number of doses is not the key factor.

So now I'm not so worried, anxious, pissed etc that he isn't getting enough. Right this minute Tony's blood pressure is fine 97/55, he is sleeping and peaceful. Right now..We are ok.
God has a plan for Tony, and he knows what he is doing. I have to have faith in that and stop being mad. I will try..FAITH is the only thing that will help me understand.....

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