Thursday, October 28, 2010

My husband is pretty awesome....

Tony went through all of today pretty positive and nice to me...nice goes a longggg with me! lol We had a very early start as nurses came in to give him meds throughout the night and he got his dose of IL-2 at 6:30. Then he was cold and yukky, then he wanted to eat. THAT never happens early in the morning. His blood pressure then dropped alot so he didn't get anoth dose of IL-2 until 11pm tonight. We both tried to rest as much as possible. I actually took an hour and a half nap this afternoon..I don't nap but sometimes your body just says STOP and DROP! We really had a uneventful day! which we needed! Tony is starting to feel bad right now so the nurse is pumping up with Demerol, Ativan, Ambien, and something for nausea! OMG the nurse was just taking Tony's blood for a Heparin check and the end popped off NOW there is blood everywhere. It even shot Tony in the eye. OMG. It's like a horror movie. BUT at least they are both laughing now about how he is awake and NOT one of her sedated patients! ok I gotta go help clean more...more tomorrow. OH PLEASE pray for my friend Leigh, her husband has had Kidney Cancer for 4 years and now it has spread in so many other places I can't name them all....please pray for her and Allen her husband!!! :(

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